Who says...

you don't use science after you leave school?

Interesting that my mug is asking the question that the various tests were going to give me the answers to with regard to the water in the aquarium. All the tests were fine - a little ammonia, but to be expected in the first few days - have taken measures to counteract that.

goldfish also have a new tank...it's quite blinging!

I'm turning into a fish nerd.

Apparently, I can shout really loud! A student behaved really inappropriately towards a member of staff today and I intervened...I'm not sure the member of staff in question has heard me 'roar' before...I felt quite pleased that she commented about how loud I was! Saddo that I am. Not standing by and watching a colleague get mistreated by a teenager - am hoping that what I have done to intervene and what I will do as a follow up will sort it out. Felt really bad. Horrible.

But not ALL of the children are like that!

Better day today - cheered up, slept better last night, more philosophical today. Made all the better for teaching my fantastic thursday afternoon group who restore my faith in youngsters being able to problem solve, work together and fly ahead of me! That's how it should be.

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