All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Bye bye Granny & Grandpa

Despite Ethan's alcoholic sample yesterday, he was still wide awake far too early today. 5.40am. Hubbie was already awake so he got up with him and took him downstairs to play.

Hubbie, Granny and Grandpa were all sharing the childcare duties today. Granny & Grandpa took Ethan to Bounce & Tickle in East Calder today which as usual he loved. However, the only nap he had all day was about 20 minutes in the car on the way there. Granny even took him for an hour long walk in the pushchair after lunch but he refused to drop off. So it was a very overtired wee boy I came hom to this evening!

He did make us laugh when Granny & Grandpa were getting ready to go home though. Grandpa was holding him and when Granny stretched out her arms and asked Ethan if she could have a hug he shook his head very firmly and clung on to Grandpa! She made several attempts for a farewell hug but Ethan wasn't having any of it! As this photo shows though, he did agree to give her a kiss! Just like last week, he cried when they left but enjoyed watching through the window as their car pulled out the drive.

I did his bath as soon as they left and he was sound asleep in his cot by 6.45pm - way earlier than usual. Hope that doesn't mean he'll be up even earlier tomorrow!

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