All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

My wee cowboy!

I've seen some of the babies at Baby Sensory wearing these cute bibbles recently. After asking their mummies where they'd bought them from, I couldn't resist buying some for Ethan too. He has started to dribble a lot recently so as well as looking super cute, I think they'll be very practical too.

We took Obi back to the vets today to have the wire removed from his jaw. Yhe vet weighed him too and he has lost a significant amount of weight which is weird as he seemed to have been eating a lot. So we need to keep an eye on that.

My sister came over this afternoon - she works a half day on a Thursday and is very good about coming to see us most of those afternoons. We were going to take Ethan swimming but it ended up not really fitting in with the way the day panned out. So hopefully we'll take him next week instead.

Really hoping for a good nights sleep tonight. Ethans sleep pattern seems to be deteriorating - he woke at 12.45am last night for a feed!! I had to look twice at the clock as I couldn't believe he was awake so early. Took nearly 2 hours to settle him and then he was awake again at 7am and that was him up for the day. Please Ethan sleep well tonight ... please!

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