All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Shoes, shoes, shoes

Hubbie was working overtime today so Ethan & I had another "mummy & Ethan day" together. Although I always love spending time with my precious boy, some days are just fun from start to finish and today was one of them.

After breakfast and playtime we headed off to the library. He had great fun in the kids room while I chose some books for him. A wee girl, about 7 years old, came in and sat on one of the squishy chairs and tried to read a book. However, Ethan kept climbing up beside her and trying to take a nose at her book too which must have been ever so slightly offputting! Luckily she seemed to find it quite amusing!

Once we left there, I was going to go to Dobbies, but Ethan fell asleep in the car on the way. So, I headed home instead and transferred him to the sofa where he slept for an hour 20 minutes. After lunch, he spotted his mickey mouse raincoat hanging up over the stairs and demanded I put it on him. He then marched up to his tricycle and tried to get on it. I guess that was a pretty big hint that he wanted to go out! So out we went. My neighbour was outside cleaning his car, with his German Shepherd dog playing in the street. Ethan just loves animals and despite really only being used to cats, he had no fear of her. He wasn't too sure what to think when she licked his face though! We then went down to the playpark where he played on the swings and slide. He made it clear when he had had enough though as he strutted out the playpark and started walking back up the hill!

More playtime followed at home and when hubbie got home at 3pm, we all went down to The Centre. It's about 5 weeks since we bought Ethan his cruisers and as he's now walking really confidently we felt the time had come to buy his first proper big boy shoes. So back to Clarks we went. We were rather disappointed in the selection on offer both in their McArthur Glen branch and in the main branch. Even one of the sales assistants admitted the boys selection isn't great. However we still came away with a pair of shoes and a pair of sandals for him. Also bumped into a girl from my antenatal group (the only one from the group I've kind of kept in touch with) who was in buying her sons first pair of walkers too. So good to catch up with her too.

Ethan ate loads at dinner time and was sound asleep in his cot just after 7pm. What a good day!

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