Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Start of the Birthday Weekend...

Taken on the way back from Nursery today. I saw them yesterday but they called to me today. Carys was very excited on the way home having given out home made butterfly cakes to everyone at Nursery for her birthday, she almost didn't realised I had stopped to take a photo.

I did body pump at the gym this morning in an attempt to gain some weight. Surprisingly I really enjoyed it and enjoyed the pain too, but my arms took a battering and pushing the buggy up and down the hills to nursery was painful too. I am actually wondering if I will be able to lift William tomorrow!

The rest of the day was spent preparing for the weekend, food shopping, buying birthday cards under Carys' nose successfully and trying to tidy the house as two small peolpe followed me around undoing all my good work.

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