Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Early Birthday Cake

I'm not one for celebrating birthdays early but today we had Nanna, Poppa, Aunty Jo and Jonnie (very recently returned safely from Afghan) for the afternoon so a small celebration was had.

They came for lunch and then stayed to play until we had party tea, which included mini sausages, scoth eggs, crisps, jelly. Stuff Carys and William really think as as a treat. William loved the mini scotch eggs and wolfed down three, using his spoon and fork.

This is Carys' birthday cake. It was a Victoria sponge with fresh strawberry icing, but no matter how much icing sugar I used I could not get the icing to be thick enough not to slide off the cake so it was sat in a puddle of icing, but no matter it tasted lovely. The photo of her face as Daddy bought the cake out with the candles light was definately a contender but this one won on colour alone.

Ps. I'm excited...my baby is four years old tomorrow.

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