All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

"THIS is the colour we should go for"!

Hubbie, Ethan & I had a lazy morning in the house. Foreveryoung came over late morning with baby Eden and although Ethan had been overtired and grumpy prior to their arrival, he soon perked up when he saw them! I ended up having to take him for a walk in his pushchair to get him to have a nap though as there was no way he was going to fall asleep otherwise.

Both Ethan & Eden had a decent lunchtime nap, waking within a few minutes of each other.

After lunch, we all headed down to Toys R Us to check out the playhuts. We're still undecided about whether we can justify the cost of buying one, although Ethan really seems to like them and I think he would play in one a lot.

We then went down to the local Ford garage as we're seriously thinking about changing hubbies Volvo for a smaller car, so wanted to check out the Fiesta. We test drove the one we're keen on and got some figures, so need to take it from there. Considering how long we were there for, Ethan & Eden were very well behaved. Ethan soon discovered he could move the colour samples around and pull them out their frames on the wall, so that kept him entertained too!

The weekend goes so quickly ... can't believe it's nearly bedtime on Sunday evening already. Ah well ... only 4 more days till my next day off!

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