Larking about
Yes, I know they're not larks. These two kestrels (do correct me if I'm wrong - as they did seem a bit big for kestrels) were putting on a fine display today: swooping over the terrace, ducking and weaving around each other and just generally showing off. I presume it was a courtship dance - though it seems a bit late in the year for that. This was the only shot where they were close enough for my puny lens, but were more than just a blurry smudge in the corner of the frame.
Another gloriously sunny day: just the day to be stuck in a traffic jam in town, and then have quite the longest queueing experience in the supermarket. Still, there was time for some sitting in the garden, some staring at the Pyrenees in continuing disbelief, some staring at the patch of ground that may become a veg patch, and quite a lot of photo editing.
Happily the kids had a better day than yesterday, and their toys ordered with their last Christmas/birthday money arrived, and I discovered a pretty decent method of cooking duck breasts (their favourite) for dinner.
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