
Full day to day.

It started with Sunday Club Prize Giving at the Church. This is always quite stressful for Mammy Reido when she has to sit through an entire church service with the Reid boys. Generally we are in Church for the first 20 minutes and then the children leave for Sunday Club. My face muscles get a full workout as I try to catch a misbehaving Reid boys eye and fire a warning shot from several pews away! It didn't help that the Minister had both the Reid boys out helping to reenact the parable of the Lost Son...and that he gave the Rooster a shepherds crook! The Rooster was weilding that crook for all he was worth...the rest of the congregation found it quite amusing! There was a point when we were praying that my husband whispered and asked if I was leading the service...I had my eye on the Rooster who was winding me up and my voice was getting louder and louder:-)

After Church we hot footed it to the Railway Station to catch a train to Glasgow. My husband's parents celebrated their Golden Wedding on Friday and there was a family lunch today. The lunch was in a private dining room in Oran Mor, which is a great venue. The Rooster and Uncle Graeme were seated next to each other...the two mischief makers together. It was a lovely afternoon and nice to spend time altogether.

We had taken the underground out to the West End from the city centre which the children found quite exciting. We forgot that it closed early on a Sunday so by the time our afternoon was over the underground was all locked it was a taxi back to Queen Street Station and then another taxi in Stirling to get some weary children home:-)

A good Sunday:-)

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