Enter Sandman

Twass got cheap tickets to today's Yankee Game. We were really high up but its okay because I think the closer I am to Curtis Granderson the more bad luck I am.

It was also Old Timer's game so they had all the cute old people play a mini game. Yogi Bera was actually the cutest little man ever. So tiny eep!

The good news is that I finally got to see the Yankee's win a game! The bad news is I have yet to see Curtis Granderson hit...anything...I don't understand how he thinks we are going to get married if everytime I watch him play baseball he gets so nervous he doesn't hit anything. Merp.

This is Mariano Rivera, the closing pitcher whom according to Tones I never get to see because I never see the Yankees win. Perhaps my luck is turning around.

In other news: Happy birthday Mr Derek Jeter, and do return soon please.

Also, so glad I got to see Alex from Marist and my all my favorite Mule' girls today. Yay!

Now, I'm awfully tired and will be going to bed before 12. I'm shocked too.

"You know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change, but pretty soon...everything's different."
-Bill Watterson

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