Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

Unmistakably Frank

Arrived at my daughter's just as she came home from work yesterday. After a cuppa we caught the bus into Derby to have a meal out. We had lots of catching up to do and the time goes so quickly. After a hot day it remained a very warm evening. We stood and watched a bit of the opera showing on a big screen in an open square. It was wonderful to see so many people sitting in their chairs enjoying the evening. What a great idea, well done Derby!
Early start this morning, I left the same time as my daughter leaves for work, 7.20. I had to blip Frank before I left. He is now 15 and starting to slow down a bit. He has a skin condition which makes him rub his face so his magnificent white whiskers are never a full set! He's a happy boy though and very conversational.

What with the heat and a Banoffi pie too far I didn't sleep well so by the time I arrived home I felt very tired. I am having a lazy day confining myself to reading and of course, taking Bracken on her walk. (Mike is out, he's cutting the hedge over at his sister's house.)

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