Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Lovely Rita

I pay $100.00 for an annual parking permit to park at the campus where I teach. Faculty, administrators, staff, and students all pay the same amount to park there.

For a number of years the parking permit was a big plastic badge with a hook to hang it from the rearview mirror. So when that style of permit ended and a "static cling," square flimsy piece of cellophane type of permit was issued and required to be placed on the inside bottom left corner of the windshield, I asked if it would be okay if I continued to use the plastic hanger and attach the permit to it and hang it from the rearview mirror. I was told, "No problem." I've been doing that since September 2005. Never had a ticket, not even a warning that that was not acceptable.

Today was my first day back to the campus since graduation on June 9th. I was due in the Writing Center at 1:00 and would stay until closing at 6:00. So when quitting time arrived I was so excited to get to go home (I love going home; don't we all?!).

So I jumped in my car and started to drive out of the parking stall when I noticed a white strip of paper flapping in the wind. I stopped abruptly, got out of the car to take it from under my windshield wiper. I knew it was a "parking violation" the minute I saw it. When I got it in my hand I read the print -- the violation fee is $40.00. Yikes!

I drove right to the Campus Police Office to do some "show & tell." The officer told me that they don't issue the tickets, but rather a "parking services crew" does. (Does that sound like passing the buck?) So it was "lovely Rita the meter maid," who issued the citation.

Standing in front of my car with the officer, I said, "Look at that, it's obvious I have a parking permit!" He explained that once a ticket is written, there is no reversing it because it is written with a hand-held computer and enters the data system immediately. He did offer to get me a "Statement of Appeal" form so that I could contest the parking violation. I have 21 days to submit my appeal.

I'm trying not to let this ruin my evening; I'm not sure that I'm being successful. I will, though, submit my appeal along with my photo. I was told it would take several months for the appeal to be processed "because they are so back-logged," but when I get the verdict, I'll let you know.

Disgusted in Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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