Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Crab Salad

I almost never blip food..... The crabbing here has been pretty good this year so when my neighbor offered us a couple of dungeness crab fresh from their trap, I couldn't resist, even though I don't catch and kill them myself anymore. She even did that deed for me, only hours before we ate them. It was a good meal, I do admit! ( and there's that red and green again.)

Did a lot of work pulling out or cutting down many, many little fir trees in our "back yard" lest there be a thick forest there too soon. There is no shortage of trees. Fortunately H managed to fix the golf cart yesterday, a month long process, getting some different parts one at a time from off island (our son#2 is a golf pro and got some advice)and studying the manual. (Taking the golf cart somewhere isn't an option.) So we could haul the trees to the burn pile, ready for a bonfire next winter. Whew!

People sometimes ask us what the heck do we do here when we are by ourselves. The days go so fast -at the least,I try to do some work, get some exercise (often but not always the same activity!), do something creative and learn something new every day. :-) I guess it would not be as easy for a more social person.

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