Don't push me cos I'm close to the


So are the little people. Demonstrating a flagrant disregard, once again, for the ridiculous rules.

"Do not step on the pool edge! No Jumping!" (and in German too)

If you can't step on the pool edge, how the hell are you supposed to get in to the pool? Because clearly, you can't take a running leap, as no jumping is allowed either. Bloody ridiculous. I will levitate into the pool.

Shopping in Spanish supermarkets when full of rampaging hormones is not a good idea. I nearly broke the self service checkout in a number of acts of fury. Don't get me started about the Spanish people's propensity for aisle blocking and chatting - the English have nothing on them - Asda will seem like a delight when I get home.

off to watch the news and to continue my worrying about family and friends in London as the rioting continues.

Most importantly, Happy Birthday to my lovely Dad, who has hit a milestone today. We are looking forward to his surprise party that he has organised for himself!

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