I don't like cricket...

Oh no - I love it.
So does Corin.
This one came and got all snuggly with him this afternoon, sat on his ear for a while, then wandered up onto his head and had a mooch about in his hair for a while.
Then the little poser wandered around letting me take snaps of him for ages - the cricket, not Corin.
Later on, a fully grown one which I think inhabits mums garden made a reappearance - he had been around last night I I took a few pics - one of the English girls made a huge fuss about this "massive insect" on the wall outside mum's place, and she wouldn't walk past it. I wandered out with my camera and there he was ...ready for his close up.

The shots of the cricket are here

So, today is "X" and I am not going to resort to cheating by saying what an extremely nice and extraordinary girl I am. Oh no.

Instead I will tell you that I am a Xenophile (not phobe).
I do not often engage in xerography, but instead do multiple printouts on my computer.
I have never played the xylophone, but did play the glockenspiel in a school performance at Primary school (had to have the letters of the notes written on each of the metal bars - I was RUBBISH!)
The letter "Xi" is the 14th letter of the greek alphabet - my birthday is on the 14th of February. It is a tenuous connection but it's just going to have to do.
I wish sometimes I could take a xyster to the inside of my pelvic bone and my knees and scrape away some of the bone, because sometimes the pain I feel there is strange and excruciating and it feels like it just needs to be scraped.
I have had stacks of x-rays - partly because I am a clumsy bird of the highest order, but also my choice of extra-curricular activities, namely gymnastics and ski-ing, meant that in my younger days I tended to injure myself a lot. Mostly my knees. Once a dislocated elbow. I suspect that my leg was x-rayed when I fell down the stairs when I was 13 months old and I had a green stick fracture and had my leg in plaster. Once, I was x-rayed following a drunken fall on some cobbles.

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