All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ever so helpful Ethan

That's what I renamed Ethan this morning. After breakfast he helped me with the housework, including doing some hoovering for the first time! Although he did get rather upset when he put the attachment too close to his PJ's and it tried to suck them up!

He did really well at swimming - lots of jumping in from the side and he was blowing bubbles in the water on request from the swimming instructor for the first time. He still wouldn't let me let go of his hand when he had the back float on though.

He was knackered afterwards though but I still thought we had time for a trip round Sainsbury's. Cue a big meltdown in the middle of the store though with him lying screaming on the floor. As for me, I tried to adopt the "la la la going to ignore you and pretend I can't hear you" approach. It seemed to work and he did eventually go back in the trolley pretty happily for the rest of the trip.

I took the long route home (ok - a drive around Livi) to get him off to sleep and he then slept for an hour 40 minutes, waking up 60 seconds before my friend Lesley arrived with her wee boy Logan at my house for a playdate with Ethan. Unfortunately Ethan was rather grumpy for the rest of the day. He refused to eat lunch, and wasn't very good at sharing his toys with Logan. Us mummies still managed a good natter and catch up though.

Granny, Grandpa, Foreveryoung & Eden arrived just as Lesley & Logan were leaving. Ethan was pleased to see them but still not in the best of moods. Neither was I when my homemade quiche refused to cook and the potatoes were still rock solid after being cooked for ages. So it was a late dinner by which time I'd lost the will to live! Fortunately Ethan ate quite well, especially another corn on the cob, which he even insisted on taking into the bath with him to finish off!

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