Lali's World

By Lali

At Barcelona Harbour

Last day in Barcelona. An overcast day with a bit of rain, marking the end of the summer and the end of my holidays as well.

Today, as the weather was not great, I didn't go to the beach. Instead, I went for a walk to take pictures of this wonderful city. Took some pictures of the Old Town and of the harbour as well. Then, I went back home for lunch. My mum had prepared a special meal, since it was my last day, and most of my family was there.

In a bit of a strange mood today. It always happens to me when i go back "home". What home??? Going to barcelona for me is like travelling trough time to my past. My life has changed so much that it's always a bit of a shock and a process of readaptation when I go there and I come back. Not too sure how to explain it. Only people who have lived in a foreign country for a long time can understand it.

So, anyway. Back to reality next week.

Really sorry I didn't have time to catch up with all your blips, and I won't have time till tomorrow, but I will, I promise!!! Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a great weekend! :)

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