Lali's World

By Lali

At the Shore in Leith

As you can see from the picture, I'm back in Edinburgh.

I arrived last night at around 1.00 am, due to the bad weather. I'm glad I'm having a day off to readjust and get things sorted before I start work tomorrow.

So today, I've been catching up with stuff and I met a friend of mine for lunch down in Leith, so I thought I would go to the Shore to take some pictures.

I think I'm having a bit of post-holiday blues today. I had no motivation for taking pictures and I wasn't entirely happy with any of the pictures I took today either. I have a few more things to do but no motivation. It might get worse tomorrow when I go to work.

Not planning to leave the flat now. I got some chocolate to cheer myself up today. Feeling a bit down but otherwise relaxed.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my Barcelona blips! I'm still doing some catching up myself with your blips, but I'll get there. I hope you had a good start of the week! :)

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