Lali's World

By Lali

Coloured Lights

This is a bit of an experiment with one of the settings of my new camera under the influence of a few drinks, so the quality is not great. But I like how the different coloured lights look on this building, just next to my place of work.

Very late blip because today we had the staff party after work, hence the alcohol mentioned above.

It's been a bit of a strange day. I had to wake up with the alarm clock, which I hadn't done for the last two weeks and it was my first day at work after my holidays as well, so I felt a bit spaced out. I had a bit of an emotional rollercoaster all day and I was feeling rather tired, so I was not very much in the mood for partying. Guys at work were going out for a few drinks after the party, but I did a bit of a sneaky escape when nobody was watching! I will feel better for this tomorrow!

Don't pay too much attention to my writing either. English, after all, is not my first language, and alcohol doesn't help!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars on my yesterday's blip (I honestly didn't expect it!) You're just too nice! I'll catch up with all your blips sometime tomorrow! I hope you all had a great day! :)

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