Lali's World

By Lali

Jungle City

You've probably already seen a few of these, since they have been blipped by many people already, but that's the only thing I found of interest on my way to work today. This is part of an exhibition called 'Jungle City' that consists of 130 models of animals placed all around Edinburgh to raise awareness of endangered species and raise money for charity. It will end at the end of September. I do really like it!

As you can see, this morning it was raining in Edinburgh. Awful weather with rain and wind. The sun appeared at some point during the day but it was mostly cold. I'm developing a bit of a sore throat. It must be a combination of the change of climate plus having to talk a lot in public, which I hadn't done for the last couple of weeks. I think I'll sort that out with a nice hot toddy tonight!

I didn't have much of a hangover today, I was just feeling a bit tired because I didn't sleep very well last night. Tonight I'm hoping to get a better sleep.

I have a bit of a catch up to do with your blips. Didn't have much time last night or this morning, but I'll try my best this evening. Thanks very much for all your comments on my colourful blip! I hope you all had a nice day! :)

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