2 Today!

2 Years Old!

Here we are - her 2nd birthday. I can't believe the speed with which it has come. She walked into the lounge and went "wow!". It was of course the balloons that she was most excited about at first - she went up to the big one and said "I love it ballala"! She's opened her first lot of presents, she's had her birthday jelly breakfast (and some fruit and crumpet too!) and is now wearing a gorgeous Postman Pat dress that has been made for her, and chalking at her new easel.

We've got friends coming to see us shortly, before we go out for the day. It's a busy and fabulous day! We're collecting Abbie and Jack before we head to the play centre with Ava and her mummy before 'nastics. After nastics we're having lunch with a couple of aunties and uncles before we all go for a swim (what else would we do with her!)

Then home for a visit from Granny & Gdad, lots more presents to still open and a yummy pizza tea.

She's amazed me this year in all she has learnt, become and tried. She's a confident, bubbly, hilarious fun and such a loving little lady. I've loved every single day of the last two years with her and feel so blessed that she is in my life.

Happy Birthday, my beautiful Katie, Love always, Mummy xxxxx

Katie at 2 years

*adores the Wiggles
*wears big girls pants and pees on the potty, poos on the toilet
*correctly does yellow, red, blue, pink, purple, green and white
*will now play outside at nursery
*says new words including "gorgeous, disappeared, fantastic, nursery, octopus, pretty colours".
*loves all animals especially dogs, rabbits, monkeys and polar bears
*takes about 25 different toys to bed each night, and lines them all up each time.
*sleeps in a big girls bed instead of her cot bed now
*insists on the "pig story" at bedtime - Rock a Bye Farm
*still loves "baby time" - Kicking on her back and wiggling like a littly
*jumps quite high when she does her excited jumps now!
*sits at the table without her highchair/booster
*LOVES the gymnastics bars, playing with Bobbobs, painting

*cheese slices
*Miss Polly had a Dolly
*Minnie Mouse and Jess the Cat
*doing "stretch, bend and jump" to turn her bedroom light off at night time
*running very very fast
*jumping in and throwing leaves

*smoke alarms, handryers or hoovers
*lentil dahl
*having dirty hands - unless she's painting
*jeans, wont wear them.
*nappies (refuses in fact)

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