Sea-front balcony

A glorious sunny, windy day (better than at home in the Midi according to a friend we spoke to this morning) and a bit of a day off with daughter E here overnight to cheer us up. After an excellent supper yesterday evening in an Italian restaurant, one we discovered last time we were here, we took a picnic lunch up to Beachy Head today. It was very breezy, which was just what we needed after sorting out dusty things indoors, and driving along the sea front afterwards I saw so many ornate balconies, with shadows too.

One more day here tomorrow, on our own again with a long list of things to do, and then home the next day - I can't wait!

On yet another day when I haven't really had time to follow the news as I usually do, I'm: pleased that Libyans have at last declared liberation, but sad it took so long and so many deaths to achieve; hopeful that the elections in Tunisia will continue the changes there; concerned about the earthquake victims in eastern Turkey; and still supporting all the Occupy protests around the world with excitement and hope.

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