Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Swing Park

Elizabeth informed me this morning that she would like to go for a walk, in the car. Hehe, in other words she wanted to go out somewhere.

Her grandparents were coming at about 1pm, so we just did our usual local route of looking for ducks at the loch, then playing in the park.

We actually found some ducks this time, but they weren't interested in the bread we brought. But it was still interesting to watch them. We also saw 3 dogs and a man fishing.

Elizabeth had brought a wind up dinosaur and a piece of her toy ninky nonk with her. I put them in her coat pockets. She kept on checking to see that they were still there.

At the park she went on a little round about and kept asking to go again and again. She span so much that she really could not balance herself when she got off. I had to laugh although she got frustrated by it.

Then she stayed on the swing for aaaages. She's never really been a fan of the swings, but she seems to love them now!

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