It's like the twinkling of an eye
First of November, and it was warm, and bright, and glorious.
I took the train to the Airport Station, and walked the mile and a bit round to the office.
Despite the traffic, it's a nice walk. Too much for me to look at and ponder the viability of a blip though.
I know the berries are out of focus, but the web is beautifully in focus. It's amazing all the things that are going on round about you - everyone involved in their own wee lives.
I remember on Thursday night, as we drove by taxi from Central to the west end of Glasgow, (before I got drunk), watching interaction on a doorway in a block of flats.
A chap was standing saying good bye to two friends. The friends had big sports bags, so I assumed that maybe they were all in the same sports team and had stopped off for something to eat after a game.
There was much joshing and laughing on the door step, and I could see the light from the room beyond. There was at least 3 attempts at walking away, and then something else was remembered and they turned and re-commenced the conversation.
Eventually, a fourth person appeared, pulled the door inside over, and joined in the conversation. They had obviously been getting a draft inside, and rather than slam the door shut - opted for the polite version and joined in, while hoping that the room would warm up at their back.
As the Taxi began to move again, so did the visitors. The flat dwellers moved back inside, and I just caught them walking in the the front room, smiling and talking to each other - and I could see the two visitors walking companiably along the road - happy in each others company and enjoying the last of their evening.
And I thought to myself in the space of only a few minutes, I had watched one moment, become three, and wondered how many more moments there would be before all parties retired to bed.
My mind works too much sometimes!
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