All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Well Ethan & I have had a jam-packed but fun day today!

He was in such a playful mood this morning. Really fun! Although I was a bit worried when I discovered him sitting on his bedroom windowsill - he had climbed up the changing table to get there!

We drove round Livingston dropping off birthday party invites, then dashed to the library to renew / take back some books. Then off to his weekly swimming class. And it was great! It was different instructor to usual so I don't know if that made a difference. Or if it was the fact we tried a floatation jacket on him. But he enjoyed the whole session, actually tried to kick his legs quite a few times, and happily let go of one of my hands to pick up the items in the pool he was supposed to pick up. Progress at last!

After that, we drove over to Glasgow to visit my friend Shona & her wee boy Ruaridh. Ethan napped for 20 minutes on the way over but woke up as soon as we got here. We had such a good afternoon with them. We used to see a lot of them as we were on maternity leave at the same time but not so much since we went back to work. However Ethan clearly adores Shona which was lovely to see.

Finally, we headed over to Beith to Granny & Grandpa's house. Ethan ate a HUGE dinner .... tons of fruit beforehand (never heard him ask "more, more" so many times before) and lots more with ice-cream afterwards. Granny then did his bath and put him to bed .... and I had to leave! He's staying with them for the next 2 nights. I've not left him overnight many times before and was strange driving away without him. Sure he'll have a great time though and won't miss us anywhere near as much as we'll miss him!

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