
2years 1month

How has it already been a month since her birthday! Goodness me. Well, today's blip is brought to you by my temporary stand-in camera. Which I utterly hate and makes me feel so sad that i am missing beautiful photo opportunities. But I am trying to convince myself rubbish photos are better than no photos. Its not working at the moment.

Anyway, she has had such a good day at nursery today. I arrived and the nursery manager stopped me to say how fabulous she's doing. She said "isnt she such a little character?!" and that she's incredibly cheeky and very sociable - they're getting her totally worked out. Today is the 6th nursery day in a row free of accidents, and she had seconds of her lunch today (then refused tea completely!)

The staff in her room said the difference when she goes outside is so incredible. For a long time, she was frightened of it, and now apparently she is bouncing when she realises its outside time and charges out to the bikes. She let Monkey sit on the edge of the water tray for a lot of the afternoon apparently. So proud!

After nursery, Granny and Grandad came to see us for a bit and joined us for tea. She had them both playing with her food and play kitchen and loved snuggling up between them to eat ice creams together. She was so quickly asleep when they'd gone and she'd had her bath!

Katie at 25months
*says "I need" a lot "I need to go home, I need the toilet".. etc... "I need to go in the car and go shopping" yesterday.
*lives in her fourth home, her first garden
*is dry at nights as well as days now
*knows the names of her friends at nursery
*counts to 14, then muddles a few numbers up to 18
*answers yellow and the right colour when you ask "what colour is it"
*says everybody in the cutest way!
*is very pleased the twinkle pretties are back (Christmas lights)
*loves to wear anything vaguely tutu like "pretty ballet skirt"
*tells the "thats not my puppy" story
*reads Angelina Ballerina and Timmy goes to Nursery every morning and night

*having her own outside and own slide in her own outside
*being able to turn her own bedroom light off
*the songs "jingle bells", "Christmas pudding", "happy birthday", "hot potato"
*circle cereal breakfast (cheerios)
*vegetable biryani

doesnt like:
*watching peppa pig - likes the idea of it though!
*not being able to turn on the light outside (make daylight come!)
*shoes - all about the wellies or slippers again!

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