Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Day After

Maybe it's just a "turkey hangover" -- I'm not really sure, but I do know that I didn't accomplishment much today. If they were passing out awards for "leisure," then I'm in the running to win. Like the pile of leaves in the front yard, I just laid low all day.

I guess it is okay to have a "do nothing day" once in a while. At least I hope so because that's what I had today. We didn't leave the house. I understand that half, yes that's correct, half of the American population did some shopping today. So I guess I won't win any awards for shopping the sales and getting some of the best deals on Black Friday. I'm okay with that.

If I'm going to shop this weekend, I want to do it tomorrow because it is "Small Business Saturday," which is a celebration of local businesses and everyone is encouraged to spend their money at a local business establishment.

So that's it for the last Friday in November.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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