Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

First Frost...

WHAT a wonderful morning!

Bitter wind from the north has transformed the landscape with a new frost. I zoomed into Cambridge to enjoy this Wintery treat.

The mist clung close to the ground and the frost was more gentle here than out in the Fens, amazing how different towns are to the countryside!! I stood amongst the whitened grass blades and marvelled at how still it all was. Birds sang in the trees far off, I could hear the grass crunch under my feet and my breath hung in the air around me, definitely chilly!

I can feel the Christmas thing getting closer, I love it and by the time we get nearer I will be very excited, a magical time of the year!!

SO, some more weather like today and some candles and mulled wine and sparkly things and friends to set it all off.......nice!

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