Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Hehe jingle bells.....

Online shopping....making photo books.

Not as simple as you would think.... what to put in, how to lay out, what text content and all that jazz.

The morning went by in a flash, I'm very happy though, it looks fab and in this age of plenty and nothing it will make a good change from naff stuff, show some effort....

Into town for the gym and then onto coffee shop for the usual fix, it was getting dark and the xmas lights looked lovely. MMMMMmm I seem to be getting the Christmas spirit, how lovely!

The news has been crap recently and it just reminds us that cash is not the be all and end all of life, maybe we should be looking for something else? The pinch has meant not spending money and searching for more meaningful presents this year.

Anyway, the Market square was wind blown and cold...But wonderful!

Thank goodness we have this Winter Festival to light up our lives when the nights are dark, the weather's grim and the news even worse..

Maybe we can enjoy the the season without going mad....there's a thought!

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