Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


I have never been a constant sleeper, even as a child I would stare out of the window at night, my imagination making wondrous worlds to play in. My companion in many a Winters night of sleeplessness, our beautiful and magical moon.

This morning I opened the curtains to see what the nights weather had brought for us and their she was, veiled in a diaphanous gown of mist, with her distant companion..mighty Jupiter. I stood once more, a child, in front of her pale moon shine, my moon shadow reaching out behind me, transfixed, bewitched and in total awe.

It must have been cold, ice sat on the window sill. Memories of winters past flooded my mind. What a wonderful start to the day, blessed with loving images of a childhood filled with magic and wonder!

Have a lovely day folks! :)

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