....You'd better watch out....

The Boss' Christmas presents.

It's ok....she knows....she picked them out herself...new shoes and a new posh watch. It's taken 4 years but we finally tracked down a watch to match the bracelet I bought her for her 50th.....Swarkovski crystals and all.

Hellish weather today, absolute howling gale and lashing, driving rain.

Went out for an infusion of nicotine at lunch time.... drove off site because it was wet and I wasn't standing out in the rain...came back, parked up, got out and the Heavens opened with the fury of a thousand demons.....20 yards from the car to the entrance of the building...absolutely soaked, hair dripping wet, fleece jacket weighing about 20 kilos....most of it water.......it was bouncing off the drive so hard my ankles were wet!

Home to a very snuffly Boss....out to do some Christmas shopping...town centre almost deserted...shops open until 9.00....a choir singing to itself and two staff in the jewellers......came home to shop on line....it was warmer and drier.....car seat for Charlie, wii for the Daughter, case of wine for us!

Now all I have to do is write the cards, buy presents for the rest of the family, sort out some booze....and Christmas food and I can relax....oh and get a Secret Santa for ????????.......oh and something for the lab technicians...oh and the girls in the Office.....and Shaun's kids.......and B&S......and D&V....will it ever end?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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