...Happy Christmas your ****.......

The Pogues Fairy Tale of New York.

Christmas Fishing match...Fur and Feather...why it's called that I don't know.

Picked Shaun up at 8.00....grey and overcast but no wind.
8.45 Started to rain.
9.00 Draw for pegs.
10.00 All in.
10.56 Stopped raining
11.02 First bite...missed it due to pouring a coffee.
11.08 Started to rain again
11.56 Stopped raining
12.00 Second bite....missed it due to lighting a fag.
12.15 Started to rain again
1.40 Stopped raining
1.50 Third bite...missed it due to answering phone call from S & H
2.00 Fourth bite....missed it due to being totally pissed off.
2.30 Gave it up as a bad job.
3.00 All out
3.10 Weigh in...out of 13 of us three blanked....two had less than 1lb...the winner had just over 4lbs!
3.35 Heading for Shaun's.....quick coffee.
4.00 Home, shower, changed.
5.20 Left for the S&H's
6.00 Arrived
6.20 Dinner...take away pizza...paid for by me.
6.40 Play time with Charlie....best part of the day
7.30 Departed to be back home in time for the Boss.
8.40 Boss returns from work in foul mood.
8.45 We have "words"
9.30 Out for a beer with D and B
11.40. Home
11.50 Blip.

Off to bed soon....that's another day done.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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