Family Dog

By Family_Dog

happy camper...

Arrived at the Red Sqirrel campsite at about 3pm yesterday. Its the first time we've ever done non wild camping and we weren't very 'wild' about the idea. The saving grace was that you are allowed camp fires at this site and what's the point of camping if you don't have a fire? Can't see one myself.

So - we pitched up and Arlo was as content as ever. He rolled around in the sun for a bit while Bry cooked a tasty meal on our trangia. The fire got built, the bottles were made up and all in all camping life resumed.

It was so good to get round a fire again - glass of red wine in hand. Unfortunately last night ended up being absolutely baltic and I didn't really sleep a wink. I worried that Arlo would freeze and after putting on many, many layers, I then worried he'd overheat. When I finally did get to sleep I woke up about 3am freezing and shivering.

Oh dear. Arlo was absolutely fine and slept better than normal (that's my boy!) but I was really cold feeding him in the night, half in my sleeping bag.

In the end, camping was great but we're not going to go with Arlo again until he's out of the night feed phase. Makes sense to me.

So - we packed up and headed through Glencoe towards Plockton.

See ya midges.

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