Festive Mess
2years 62days
I do love holidays! We are having so much fun. We started out with the Montessori Christmas Party. And a cracking job they did of it! Very posh crackers with toys the children enjoyed, hot mince pies and whipped cream for the mummies, lots of lovely Christmas crafts, chocolates and treats for the children, paddling pools full of tinsel and baubles, baskets full of streamers and blowers. They had a fabulous time!
After the party, we met our friend Vicki. We went to Pizza Hut for lunch - Katie went to sound asleep on arrival to very wide awake in three seconds flat. She enjoyed it a lot and sat really well in the highchair, ate quite well and did lots of colouring.
We finished lunch in time to a) avoid a crazy rush that was appearing and b) get to the cinema in time for the afternoon showing of Happy Feet 2. Katie was incredibly excited by the Muppets trailer that was shown! She was then begging for the penguins to come on, and danced when they did. She was rather lively in the cinema, but I had deliberately sat at the front so she could explore if necessary. She loved the penguins.
Vicki's come back for a bit of a play and Katie has immediately inflicted her new Wiggly Wiggly Christmas on her. Lots of fun today, holidays are great!
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