The Daily Bun

By pennybun


Last winter was definitely a waxwing winter, and they were around locally in their hundreds from November. This winter is proving very different, so it would have been irresponsible of me not to walk for 10 minutes to locate the pair that had been reported nearby. No one is really sure why some years they come in their thousands from Scandinavia and other years they are relatively scarce. It's probably food related, but it's one of those wonderful natural mysteries.

A photo of a rather special bird seems a fitting way to end this calendar year - if not quite yet my blipyear.

A very Happy New Year to everyone on blip. I look forward to seeing your pictures and comments in the new year. I'll continue to do my best to keep up with all of my regular blip friends on a regular, if not always frequent basis and hope you'll forgive any "gaps"

Chris xxx

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