michigan man

By outdoorguy

Berries are Red

Flowers Berries are red...young man.
Green leaves are green.
There's no need to see flowers berries any other way...
than the way they always have been seen.
Flowers are Red- Harry Chapin

Every teacher, and probably every parent...should listen to that song. It tells a tale of a little boy who saw flowers in every color of the rainbow, but the teacher wanted him to paint flowers in neat rows of green and red.

It reminds me of a high school science teacher at our school whose daily lesson plan was this..."Read the chapter, and answer the questions." EVERY DAY!!! And we wonder why the kids lag behind. "C'mon...show me some imagination instead of sitting on your lazy butt all day!!"

The berries were in my daughters side yard. You can see that we had some snow last night. Not a good night to be out. My son-in-law ended up in a ditch, and we had to go pick him up at 11:30 last night. He is fine, but by morning...his truck was towed away.

The birdies must not like the berries. They have survived until the middle of January. Unheard of.

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