.....right to paaaarrrttyyy!......

This invitation dropped throughthe door yesterday. I used to be the Chairman of a Hockey club...every year between Xmas and New Year I held the Chairman's Ball...a house party with Chilli and lots of alcohol. We used to go out for each other's birthday...although I've retired and so have sevseral others we're still mates and we keep up the meetings once or twice a year. This do should be special though....a barbecue...in the middle of winter! I've always wanted to do a BBQ on Boxing Day..but never got round to it...so I'm really looking forward to this party.

Quiz league tonight...first after the Christmas break...away to the other Rose and Crown

Round 1: Nice and gentle we won 6-8
Round 2: Individual questions...I got Fictional Pirates we got all our questions right plus a bonus to win 4-9
Total 10-17
Round 3: Lost 9-6
Total 19-23
Round 4 : we had to stick at 2 points....but they stuck at 1 so won 1-2.
Total 20-25
Round 5: Won 6-8.
Round 6: The wheels nearly came off ...the opposition got some fairly easy questions and racked up 12 points, we managed to scrape to 6 points
Round 7: I got lumbered with "Flint films". Both teams got the first 3 questions right and fluffed the fourth for a score of 6-6
So a narrow 1 point lead going into the last round
Rouind 8:..... tough questions...we got two of ours plus one bonus...they got one of theirs plus 1 bonus....won the round 3-5

Final score 47-50.......VICTORY!

Some of the questions for you
1. Which pirate captain had Billy Bones, Black Dog and Long John Silver amongst his crew?
2. Which pirate captain had Mr Smee as his right hand man?
3. Who wrote "Memoirs of a fox hunting man"?
4.Which Bob Dylan album is named after the road from his home state to the Mississippi delta?
5.Which US National Park became more popular after U2 named an album after it?
6. Which actor starred in the film "Our man Flint"?
7. Who took the lead in the movie "The People V Larry Flint"?

Time for bed, the weekend is catching up with me.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

Waht? Ypou'd like the answers? Oh o.k. then!
1. Captain Flint (Treasure Island)
2. Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
3. Seigfreid Sassoon
4. High way 61 revisited
5. The Joshua Tree
6. James Coburn
7. Woody Harrelson.

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