
By TonyG

D Day

Demolition Day ... or it should have been. Shortly after this was taken, in the frosty early morning light, the blade on the angle grinder failed. A stuck locknut meant the replacement blade could not be fitted. They'll be back another day.

Sad to have to demolish an old greenhouse but this one is in the wrong place since our latest extension. Too close to the house it is concreted into the ground which combined with it's weight (galvanised steel) makes moving it out of the question. The Grand Plan is to create an outdoor dining space just beyond where the greenhouse is. Perhaps fruit trees trained against the wall which faces south-east and some space for my alpines too, all made possible by the removal of the greenhouse.

By the dusk we had a mini Everest of lumps of concrete recovered from around the garden where beds were edged with this long ago. Also a good quantity of 'arisings' from the removal of the undergrowth. We are finally beginning to recover the lost garden of Hellesdon! {Check your Norwich suburbs ;-) }

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