midwife crisis

By lulubelle

colourful crabbies

This little crab apple tree has been hanging on to it's fruit all winter, giving cheery colour in the garden. Some of the fruit is looking old, but the movement in the shot hides much of the manky looking ones!.
Went to a walk down to the shore, but there was a bitterly cold wind blowing that I couldn't manage to keep my hands warm enough to use the camera for more than a minute at a time. However, it wasn't raining, so that made us all happy here.
Mike and Yola have been hard at work together on her maths today, she has her 'pre's' in a few weeks (the Irish equivilant to GCSE mocks), except the parents have to pay for each of the papers and the marking. What? I spluttered!!!! So we're trying to get our money's worth and the poor girl is being worked! I have to give them both credit, they're doing well together. I'm providing the nutritious healthy food, regular drinks and calling them down for 15 minute breaks in the play ground!

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