
By scharwenka


That's better! A carpet of snowdrops in the University Parks makes it look as though spring might be on its way.

The weather today was almost the inverse of yesterday's, which started rainy, and then became sunny. Today was wonderfully sunny at first, although cold. You can see the sky behind these catkins is truly blue. And, of course, the catkins themselves are harbingers of spring. This afternoon, however, the sky in the west went dark grey, and we had a violent hail-storm, so it's as well we went out in the morning. On the other hand, the clouds lifted a bit at the end of the afternoon, and there was still light in the south-west sky well after 5:15.

More surprising than the snowdrops in the University Parks this morning were these remarkably early daffodils. I don't really expect to see them out in January, even if it's late January. The crocuses are also shooting up everywhere. Some are more-or-less open, although the masses will take another couple of weeks to be ready.

I cannot resist making a Blipfoto contribution about our University Parks without adding a couple of shots of the trees themselves, as a record for myself at the very least. This first one I've included is of the view near the entrance we used. Then, further down the path you can see, there is this fine cluster of old trees. These trees are right by where I took a picture for Blipfoto in October. I expect I'll be submitting yet more photographs from these Parks as the seasons progress, so I'll leave my records at this stage for the time being

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