Dashing Day


Wow not a nice call last night in regards Toni's Dad (also Tony) but we knew late last night he wasn't totally critical but was in the high dependency unit so still really scary.

Today we headed up to Ninewells to see him and Toni's step mother Chris. The doctors and nurses were wonderful in helping to explain and inform Toni of what had and would/ could happen - we also stressed he has a good reason to make sure he gets better because he is due to walk her down the aisle in just 5 weeks! As the best 'man' I have a speech slot but so does Mr Ffinch, so I joked with him I wasn't going to be covering his time, he assured me I wouldn't be and also he doesn't believe I will be able to stick to my time slot anyway! ( ok I am a bit of a chatterbox)

We went home in the knowledge he'd defo on the right place and being well cared for!

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