2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Not the greatest Valentine gift

When I started on this process I never expected to be taking blips like today's!

This little fellow arrived in the post today because I "won" a competition. It is so long ago that I can't remember what the first prize was but I'm certain it wasn't this!
The packaging warns of a choking hazard. I suspect that's because if I'd given this to Mrs P as her Valentine's gift, I would have had it rammed down my throat, and all future blips would be from the shed.

On the plus side he is in Wesham road runners colours so some unfortunate soul is going to "win" it on a club night soon :)

Before posting, I had a look at a number of other journals to see how many other gnomes were out there. Perhaps, as with Royalty last week, I am the first to post a gnome!

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