
By Fisherking

.......we can rebuild him......

Well that's that done!

Got Dad up at 6.30 this morning for his 8.00 appointment with destiny (he takes absolutely ages to get ready).

Left the house at 7.20, arrived at hospital at 7.45, up to the unit, checked in, bang on 9.00 the nurse arrived (same nurse as six weeks ago when the op was cancelled).

"Morning Thomas".....not a good start, he's Thomas Daniel but he's always been known as Danny.

To me, "Has he got his dressing gown and slippers, something to amuse himself while he's waiting? He's 4th on the list, should be done around lunch time. Have we got your mobile number?"

"Yes, yes and yes"

Zoom......... he was gone.

Went to McD's for breakfast, my big failing...sausage, egg and cheese bagel and coffee.

Back to Dad's, pootled about a bit, tidied up, changed a couple of dud light bulbs.

12.05 phone call "He's just having a cup of coffee, you can come for him as soon as you like". Seems he went to theatre at 10.30, finished by 11.40, 15 minutes recovery and he was ready.

Picked him up, brought him home, wiggling his fingers with delight. Doctor says he can start driving again in two days if he wants to, dressing comes off in 5 days,check up in two weeks and follow up in eight weeks when the second op on the other hand will be sorted out.

He's moaned about having a yellow arm (the iodine), and about how much it hurt when the anaesthetic went in, but other than that worries. He's had two paracetemol but really he's only winced or yelped when he's remembered to.

Now he's been fed (had to cut up his chicken for him) and he's settling down with a beer. He thinks I should go back home tomorrow, because I've got lots of coursework to mark, but I think I'll stay until Sunday just to be on the safe side.

All in all a pretty succesful day.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

p.s. Can you remember the TV series my title comes from?

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