Katie, Katie, Quite Contrary

2years 140days

Fridays are a much slower start to the day, it's lovely. We dont have to leave before 11.20, we sometimes chose to leave about 10.20. So we've had lots of time drawing, writing, doing letters (she's obsessed with finding the letters and numbers that she recognises in her storybooks) and she's had a really good play in the garden already. She took Mickey and Dog down the slide, played on her "bounce" - spacehopper - and her scooter, bike and rocker. But she wouldnt do any of that until she'd very carefully watered our plants. I did then manage to get her to wear a cardi and shoes, although the jammies are still on!

Soft play this morning with her little friends before gymnastics today. She'll be at nursery this afternoon as I have to go hand some work in, but not for long. And we should find out today whether its going to be possible for her to stay at her nursery. Fingers crossed.

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