Here comes the sun

Finally, just as I had finished work the sun made its brief appearance today. It was actually so bright that I could not focus the camera properly and just let the shot happen. Conveniently the seagull turned just about at the right time. I really wanted to blip the bag caught in the chestnut tree but this combination of bag, seagull and tree looks quite good .

Work was quiet and busy at the same time. Caught up on bits and pieces, got worried about some and am now increasingly worried about a proposed change in taxcode. I have asked the right people so should know soon how much worry is for nothing (actually, worry is always for nothing but I'm quite good at it) - suffice to say I will be glad when I know.

I somehow managed to cut myself across my thumb but don't know how. It's more of a papercut and therefore possibly more sore than a proper cut. It burns.

I can't wait for Spring, V with whom I lived for over a year told me that the real heralds for spring are the "candles" on the horse chestnut trees. When the first candle has appeared spring is here. Well, this tree is very busy unveiling its flowers so I think it will be just in time for the start of spring next week.

I'm exhausted, looking forward to continuing reading my Maggie O'Farrell book, I finished Armadillo on Tuesday morning and am now nearly half-way into this current book. The next will be Henry James' Portrait of a Lady methinks.

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