Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Stuffing things in bags

We went into the next town today to have a browse through the charity shops. I managed to get some high waisted jeans that I hope will look ok for my friends 30th birthday. Seriously looking forward to seeing my pal. We're going to an abba tribute night. I don't really know any abba music, I think I'll be out of my depth. Still, not had a glass of wine in weeks so if all else fails, I know how I'll be spending the evening ;-)

My aunty has an awesome flower shop in the town. She's named it "back to the fuchsia" which I think is really cool. The girls played 'shop' with her for 15 minutes while we went next door and they absolutely loved it. Pressing the buttons to open the till, pulling out reams and reams of fancy ribbons and papers.

Meanwhile, we were in the retro clothing shop. The poor cashier woman was trying to get a shoplifter to put back an item she'd stuffed in her bag. Felt awful for her because she was on her own and if it'd turned nasty she'd have been stuck. The shop lifter just denied it and ran off. Left me feeling annoyed all day. Can't understand why someone would steal clothes that are a niche market. Why not steal something you can sell on?

Anyway, my blip is of the paper bag from the flower shop, bursting with various ribbons. It represents the shoplifters handbag! ;-)

While M was at a party this afternoon, we asked grandad to have E so we could sort the girls surprise wooden playhouse for them. It looks brilliant. We've put a plastic sheet over the roof as it needs new felt but other than that and a few scribbles, it's good as new. Might even put some carpet down. Kids were really pleased with it, they've pretty much moved it. I'm especially looking forward to putting the play kitchen in there. The play kitchen that they got for christmas that turned out to be way bigger than we had anticipated. The same play kitchen that is currently occupying a fair chunk of my living room.

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