Roll With It

By Falmike

All Done & Dusted

Last 'Blip' on this subject; "when is a house not a home" - when it's empty of everything.
Left today without a backward glance but with a lot of memories - all good. Lots of love and laughter, some tears and some trauma's down the years but that's what families do.
I'm sure that Dad and Mum looked down today, smiling whilst watching their children and a few of the grandchildren clearing the last few things, having a laugh and shedding some tears whilst we did it.
Some couldn't be there because of distance, some just couldn't face the house empty of everything but particularly Dad and Mum to you all see you on the 2nd June when we'll drink to Charlotte being 21 and toast Dad and Mum as "Absent Friends"
To all of you with 'bulging' houses - don't hang on to things because they were Dad's or Mum's, keep them because they mean something to you. My latest acquisition - I have Dad's 'John Wayne' can opener, absolutely worthless, comes from a 1960's style military ration pack, but he liked it so I'll have it on my keyring. By the way it's called a John Wayne because it can do anything.
Army v NAVY rugby next on April 28th, we'll have a drink at our memorial stone, watch the NAVY win and get batfaced in the process.
See you there!!

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