The many faces of Charley

Been a busy old day, quite eventful!

First up this morning was church, and we were both reminded again of what God's been speaking to us about anyway - not just if you want to walk on water you have to get out of the boat, because it feels like we've not been in a boat for a while, but also that you need to keep your eyes on Jesus. Mainly because, as I suspect Jesus knew, your brain then doesn't start thinking logically that walking on water is supposed to be impossible!

Then swimming for Charley, and his underwater photographs today. End of Swimbabies Level 1. I lost count of how many times he went under. Only once was he not ready and he complained a lot after that one, but the rest of the time it was just a case of catching him before he rolled over underwater. He's so light he just rolls over almost immediately, but he was a champ and took it all in his stride.

Quick trip to another friend's house to drop off a mei tai for her to borrow, and then home - arrived at the same time as Steve and Ben! Sent Steve out for a few supplies, and invited friends round who I've hardly seen over the last few weeks because of Sunday swimming. We were going to have a barbecue after they went home but decided it would be too cold once we'd cooked as the sun would have gone from the suntrap by then. So Steve built the swingset instead! Ben now has a swing attached to his climbing frame. I wonder how long it will take to overcome his suspicion of it, and have a go. I think he still remembers falling off one last autumn.

Then the fun began :) We've fed the waifs and strays tonight, solved technical problems, and met the neighbours!

Sheila, our neighbour, popped round. She'd locked herself out - oh my goodness I've lost count of the number of times I've done that. Anyway while we were trying to find contact details for her landlord we invited her to stay for dinner, and then another friend Leighton popped round hoping Steve could solve a technical problem for him - so as he'd turned up just at the right time I stuck some more pasta on for him as well! Landlord messaged, food eaten, technical problem solved and Leighton taken home, and just as we were about to offer Sheila a bed for the night the landlord called and said she'd be on her way! All is well again :)

And the boys begged to go to bed again, I got them both into pyjamas, told Ben he could play with Sheila but to come up when he wanted to go to sleep, and he came up just as I'd finished changing Charley's nappy again.

Love times like that. As an old friend just commented, it's reminiscent of the good old days back in Manchester :)

Life! Where you happily share what little you have, because you know it's there for sharing :D

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