Simply Me

By Suze981

The highlight of my day...

Yes I was one of the poor unlucky people that went to work today :(

Before you feel too sorry for me though, I chose to go. Our bank holidays are floating so I can take the day whenever I want. I had no particular plans so I thought I'd save the days leave. I'm off next week instead.

The office was a ghost ship. Just Morag and I holding the fort, with a brief visit from Hana. Morag brought us homemade cupcakes and we went up to John Lewis for a spot of shopping at lunch time.

I decided, as it's Easter Monday, I'd treat myself to my favourite sandwich from Valvona and Crolla. If you've never had their frittata sandwich, you're missing a treat. Although not a bad day at work, this was definitely my highlight!

I'm just settling down on my couch with a book. I hope everyone has had a good bank holiday x

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