Simply Me

By Suze981


This is the reason that I bought my flat. Back in 2006, I was looking to buy my own place. I trawled around various places trying to find the perfect one. It was the height of the market and places were getting snapped up everywhere. I put offers on a couple of flats, but didn't get them.

One night, my parents and I came to look at a flat on this street. It was nice enough, nothing special. The lady who was selling told us that if you walked to the end of the street, there was a cut-through to Holyrood park. After the viewing, we all walked along and came across this alleyway.

As we walked through, my mum thought it was like we were walking into Narnia. It was a glorious afternoon, the sun was streaming in and the contrast between the dark alley and the beautiful park was like the wardrobe and the forest.

It was then that I decided to buy a flat here. I didn't end up buying the flat we looked at that day, but I found another. I love the green space. I love the location and the running routes that brings.

Yes, at the height of the market, I paid too much and have probably lost that now. Yes, over the years i've moved out and tried to sell. But writing this now, I don't know what I'd have done without it! It's nice having your own corner of the world that you can go back to.

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